We Carry the Sky
mckayla robbin

We Carry the Sky


12 highlights

if i cannot feel safe in my own skin there is no corner of this earth warm enough

like a star, the light you carry lives on without you knowing this did not make it any easier to lose you — for marigene

it’s not called listening if you’re just waiting for your turn to speak — a sign of privilege

after all i have never really felt at home on this lonely blue planet ruled by a species hardly paying any attention to the home we are ruining almost completely

heartbreak hands you a needle without thread and somehow you are expected to sew

how many days do we spend trying to be smaller than we are

your life is not a footnote in someone else’s story

i don’t know if people always leave but i am glad you showed up for however little or long it was and i will never not be glad about that

you must first become your own shape before you can find somebody else to fit it

dancing is how your soul remembers to love your body

watching someone else have the success you want is painful but you have to trust that you’ll find your own way to it

your life is the unique and unapologetic fingerprint you leave on this world do not waste it wishing you had someone else’s