Failing Young Men — With Richard Reeves
The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

Failing Young Men — With Richard Reeves


6 highlights

Speaker 1: Let's just take that is given for this conversation between men and women and boys and girls, many of which are now putting boys at a disadvantage in the education system where we prioritize skills like sitting still staying on task, future orientation and in the labor market where we've seen the combination of automation and free trade has disproportionately affected traditionally male jobs that could be done with your hands even with relatively low levels of education. And so to the extent that we see these differences in the orientation and skills of men and women. Most of the trends have been to the detriment of boys and men in recent decades. And that's in terms of where they come out this biologically and to me, those are just facts. What we do with those facts, how we interpret them is a different question. But

Luke's Note

“Toxic masculinity” is a toxic term. Aside from being poorly defined, it sends the harmful message particularly to young boys that there’s something inherently wrong about being a man.

Speaker 0: Planet Money is a show where the complex economy actually makes sense where human stories supersede abstract theories and where listeners can learn laugh and be entertained from offshoring cashiers, to new ways to pay for college, to breaking down the price of gasoline. The Planet Money Team lives to tell a good story and bite 30 minute episodes. It's econ for the rest of us. You can tune into Planet Money every week for entertaining stories and insights about how money shapes the world stories that can't be found anywhere else. Listeners can check out Planet money from NPR wherever you get your podcasts. I think NPR brings quality, integrity and a certain optimism to everything they do. I love NPR check it

Speaker 1: out.

Luke's Note

(1) automation is disproportionately effecting traditionally male jobs. Also puberty occurs earlier in girls (2) brains of girls are developing 1-2 years before boys. (3) the successful rise of women economically (ie. gender equality) has left uncertainty around what it means to be a man.

Speaker 1: to think of it as the bit of your brain that remembers you have chemistry homework to turn in and then does the homework and then turns it in. And then those skills associated with that bit of the brain are highly rewarded in the education system. And so the earlier onset of puberty and girls has direct impact on their ability to navigate successfully the current education system because of its impact on the prefrontal cortex. Now, it also means of course they're gonna wanna date older guys. I looked at the data on this and 1/10 grade girl is twice as likely to be dating a guy from grades above as her own grade. And again, it's like, well, duh, you don't need a social scientist to tell you that. But what is that telling us? It's telling us that various different levels and in various different

Luke's Note

Parents of boys must understand that they’ll have to be the substitute prefrontal cortex for a few years.

Speaker 1: these critical moments an opportunity journey. So you talk a lot about the on ramps. I like that language And I think about stepping stones or transition points and it is like, do you successfully make the transition from one phase to another? And you can think about lots of transitions including from high school into further education, from education into the labor-market family formation. There's a number of these transition points, but it does look partly because of these differences in development as if Grade nine is where boys really start struggling. It's tough. They're not quite, a lot of them are quite ready for high school. That's when a lot of boys get held back, remember one in four black boys repeat a grade before finishing high school. And so that, and that's when it is when the suspension's kick in. And it's also where the father

Luke's Note

Perhaps we should be starting boys in school a year later than girls to account for the developmental gap. Some private schools already do this. Also need more messaging in schools about the importance of boys educational success (it’s still heavily focused on girls).

Speaker 1: and all the messaging is incredibly off putting. It is not an inviting conversation with young men. If you start by saying, how can we help you be less toxic? And even many feminists now are saying we just shouldn't use the term. It's pushing men away rather than drawing them

Speaker 2: in.

Speaker 0: Is it possible to try and zero in on a moment or an action? Um kind of 0-18 where a boy becomes vulnerable or that that action takes them off the track. Is it when they're suspended because they can't stay focused. Is it when they don't get into college? Is it when they don't develop the EQ to, to have successful relationships? Is it dad no longer being present or a male role

Luke's Note

Girls experience puberty earlier than boys, resulting it greater maturity but more importantly, a more developed prefrontal cortex (CEO of the brain). This area of the brain is responsible for skills that are highly rewarded in the education system. It’s also why they often date older guys.

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Speaker 0: ads. Hi, I'm scott Galloway and along with Kara swisher, the jungle cat. I host the podcast pivot now, since this is an ad running on a podcast, you might have no idea what I look like. Imagine someone who is very handsome minus the handsome part. Anyways, you're in luck as we partnered with Salesforce to provide you with bite sized video snippets of the best content we have to offer ever every week, Salesforce's new streaming service. Salesforce Plus will now be the exclusive home for visual

Luke's Note

The education system is structured in favour of girls; the labour market is structured in favour of men (men don’t get pregnant).