Psychologist Debunks 8 Myths of Mass Scale | Todd Rose
Big Think

Psychologist Debunks 8 Myths of Mass Scale | Todd Rose


3 highlights

when we engage online we tend to thinkthat we're interacting with a reasonable

sample of the actual populationbut it's not true close to 80 percent ofall content on social media is generatedby about 10 of the users that 10 tendsto be extreme on most social issues

sometimes the group isn't correctthere's nothing magical about groupconsensus that guarantees that it is afact it can just literally be consensusbecause no one's ever challenged it

the biggest illusion of all isthe illusion of divisionwe have very sharp divisions on just asmall handful of issuesbut because they are so intense it ismisinterpreted as widespreaddisagreement across the board